Wednesday, June 17, 2009

its the begining or the end

sometime i feel where is my life .. who i am .. whats the purpose of living . it seems silly but the truth some where lies into the depth and searching its like searching a light in to the dark.
i feel all are living their life , they have differnat thaughts and porpose of living. i just ask a simple question please mind it " just close your eyes and search within yourself any special moments you have spent within seven last days" there might be some event one or two comes into the mind but i ask is it only few moments there in last seven days. thats means we are not living the natural life, we just spending our life days and flowing with time . life need to live "LIVING" i put stress on living . living need to be happy , smiiling and always remarkable.

its true that there might be some query that have busy shedule .... stop fooling yourself i say.. whats the busy means i dont think any body is free.. fying in air or dancing in ocean.. . i say they lack the management the way of living .. taking tension never solve a probelm but solving the problem solves the tension... .

it dosent matter what we are and what we having ... money is major concern the most of the people have .. i say the people those have money i dont think they will eat gold or silver . or the person lacks the money too not going to eat mud . the nature gives sufficient to all and when we need we get any how . satisfaction is major factor which we lacking and we need to be think of it as we are not going to take the car and bank balance with us when we die.

make the life always the begining .. . infinity always starts new there is a line " amit chabit nawnit" ie life always recreates itself .. it never dies .. it never ends

lastly living is not just spending life but choosing a life where there is peace in heart, happiness in smile , reality in realtion and the satisfaction withinself .

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